Clinical Supervision Pre & Post Licensure
I’ve been providing clinical supervision for the past 25 years, and utilize an Integrated Development Model: One of the most researched developmental models of supervision Stoltenberg, McNeill, and Delworth (1998), (Falender & Shafranske, 2004; Haynes, Corey, & Moulton, 2003).
The IDM describes three levels of counselor development allowing you as a supervisee to acquire mentoring and strategies at your relative level of confidence/experience.
The Three Levels
• Level 1 supervisees are generally entry-level students who are high in motivation, yet high in anxiety and fearful of evaluation
• Level 2 supervisees are at mid-level and experience fluctuating confidence and motivation, often linking their own mood to success with clients
• Level 3 supervisees are essentially secure, stable in motivation, have accurate empathy tempered by objectivity, and use therapeutic self in intervention. (Falender & Shafranske)

Within this framework I also integrate Feminist, Narrative and Cognitive for individual cases and EFT and Structural Family Therapy strategies for Couples/Polycules and Families to assist case conceptualization, treatment planning and diagnoses. In light of managed care and teletherapy, we also would talk about the dynamics of managing, building and thriving in a private clinical practice if that is part of your professional goal set. I offer weekly individual or group supervision via teletherapy platforms. Payment is often done and contracted through your pre-licensure clinical rotation/agency site.
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